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Flower Mound Youth Sports Association

Flower Mound Youth Sports Association

Volunteer Opportunities

FMYSA is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. Without the help of hundreds of parents within the community, we simply couldn't be successful. Like any association, we're always looking for people who genuinely want to help make all this possible. The opportunities are endless; the rewards are displayed on the faces of our children every day during the season.

See if any of the volunteer opportunities listed below interest you.

Head Coach

Coach one of our hundreds of teams. Provide the leadership necessary to help our kids learn the game. Usually involves 12 games, plus practices, and leading communications with the parents. Contact your Age Group Director to get involved.

Assistant Coach

Help the head coach with all aspects of the team. Head coaches always need assistant coaches to help during practices and games. Contact your head coach to get involved.

Team Parent

This position is absolutely critical to successful team organization. Every coach needs parent involvement, and the role is generally dependent on the coach. Contact your head coach to get involved.

Equipment Preparation

Involves equipment preparation and organization for all teams at the start and end of the season. Contact the Equipment Director to get involved.


Work with the Marketing Director to recruit new sponsors and organize all marketing-related activities. Contact the Marketing Director to get involved.

Event Coordinator

Coordinates all of the major FMYSA events (registration, skills demonstration, clinics, etc.). Works closely with the Executive VP to schedule, plan, organize and implement all of the major events. Contact the EVP to get involved.

Technology Specialist

Help the association design and build new technology systems to serve our members better. Contact the Technology Director to get involved.

Remember, when you fill out your child's registration form, you can let us know that you want to become involved by checking the appropriate role under the "Parent Volunteers" section.


FMYSA operates concessions at our Bakersfield and Hilltop complexes, using paid, part-time staff. We are continually looking for new staff with a great attitude, and need people over 18 as well as younger. If you are interested in working in one of the concessions, please take the following steps:

  1. Complete an application online from the concessions page.

FMYSA Roles and Responsibilities

Director or Board Membership Position

The Directorship positions are elected by the Board Members and the Board Members are elected by a vote of the general membership. In order to be considered for either a Directorship or a Board position, you must submit an application.

These positions should be taken seriously. The average time commitments for these positions will range from 15-20hrs per week for Board Members and 5-10hrs per week for other Directorship Level positions.

All volunteer roles in FMYSA are critical for creating a fun, positive, and constructive environment for our community's youth. Although the responsibility of each role varies, most of the directorship positions do 70% of their work getting a season underway. Once the season is started, the workload reduces dramatically.

Directors are assigned positions with a term of one year beginning in July. Some directorship roles require more experience than others, so please list all directorship roles you would be willing to fill for the league on the Directorship Application form.

In addition to the specific responsibilities listed below, all directors are expected to attend and help with our fall and spring season in-person registration and the coach's meeting.

Age Group Director

  • Form teams for their specific age group

  • Distribute equipment bags to coaches at beginning of each season

  • Collect equipment bags from coaches at the end of each season

  • Hold coach's meeting to ensure all coaches understand the rules and important topics to a given age group

  • Monitor games, coaches, and parents during the season to ensure a well run constructive season

  • If your age group has All Stars, you'll nominate All Star coaches and facilitate tryouts for All Star team(s)

  • Assist in building and maintaining a positive image for FMYSA to its members and the community

  • Administer minor disciplinary actions if required (Age Group Directors will not be assigned to age groups that contain their own children.)

Certification Director

  • Manage and administer our NYSCA chapter's paperwork and affiliation responsibilities

  • Ensure all coaches have completed the course and have current certification

Equipment Director

  • Distribute equipment bags to Age Group Directors at beginning of each season

  • Collect equipment bags from Age Group Directors at the end of each season

  • Replace faulty equipment per coaches requests during the season

  • Inventory and replace faulty equipment between seasons

Event Director

  • Handle scheduling and coordination of registration, city tournaments, coach's meeting, and other special events

  • Work with Scheduling Directors to facilitate town's need for fields during season

Field Director

  • Maintain and line fields for weekend play during regular and post season play

  • Assemble and organize a group of volunteers to assist in field preparation

Grievance Director

  • Receive grievances toward FMYSA members, research those situations, and make a recommendation to the FMYSA Board of Directors for action.(Someone who has several years of experience within FMYSA at a volunteer level equal to or above a head coach best fills this directorship role.)

Marketing Director

  • Maintain and create programs to keep and attract league sponsors

  • Work with area media providers to inform the community of FMYSA and its programs

Scheduling Director

  • Overall responsibility to schedule all recreational league games

  • Reschedule recreational league games that are postponed for any reason

  • Update schedules through FMYSA's software and web partners

Technology Director

  • Assist FMYSA volunteers with technical questions or problems with software applications

  • Ensure proper utilization and maintenance of FMYSA's player database

  • Help with administering the league's websites.

FMYSA Roles & Responsibilities


5810 Long Prairie Rd. #700 PMB 168 
Flower Mound, Texas 75028

Phone: 972-955-7328
Email: [email protected]

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